Thursday, May 27, 2010


Week: 1
Current: 83.2kg
Lost: 5.5kg
Mood: Pissed Off!!!

Had a happy moment last night: one of the young boys at the theatre I teach at saw me eating a WW steamed pudding (YUM!) and out of no where said "Are you on WW? My mum does that... You don't need it though!"

I was smiling all night after that one! =P

Anyhoo... Back to today:

Good: Felt like the hungry caterpillar today but only ate 1.5 point soup so I was fine =)
Bad: SOMEONE left a packet of Caramel Crowns open on the bench and despite my best efforts 10 of my points disappeared!!!! Felt soooooooo mad at myself for giving in.... PLUS I'm still sick!!!! So STILL no gym....
Ugly: 10 days of antibiotics to go....and 10 Caramel Crowns to work off!!!! =S


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 2: Try, Try Again!

Week: 1
Current: 83.7kg
Lost: 5kg
Mood: Cold!

Feels great to be back on the wagon!

Loving F.I.N.T.A!!! I have post-it notes on my mirror, my fridge, my pantry door, my laptop, my work folder and the book reading at the moment to drum it into my head!

Good - Had my favorite super-filling winter breaky (1 packet of OT's So Tasty Oats, 1 serve of light vanilla yogurt and 20g of seed mix - 5.5 points but keeps me going til lunch!) and am spending today rugged up watching bad daytime telly with a hot cup of tea - it's lovely!

Bad - Had friends over this morning and they bought VERY yummy apple turn over... only had 1/2 but it was 5 points...=S Managed to stop before I did any serious damage and will work it into my extra points for today =) Also no gym because I'm down with the flu! =(

Ugly - This weather! So rainy and grey!

I was also meant to weigh in this morning but I was in a rush so tomorrow it is!!!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 1: Trying Again...

Week: 1
Current: 83.7kg
Lost: 5kg
Mood: Optimistic!

Ok.... So I'm officially back.

I've missed feeling great when I look in the mirror, I've missed my clothes fitting better, I've missed not dreading WI and I've missed the optimism I had before....

The big turning point was my birthday (30th of April), when I looked in the mirror and was NOT where I wanted to be. My goal was to be below 80kg and instead I was back up near 85! =S My resolve was somewhat dampened when I re-sprained my ankle by falling in a hole while out with friends! (Great b'day pressie! =S)

But now I AM back. I will NOT make more excuses. I leave for Europe in 6 weeks tomorrow and I am going to look HOT when I get on that plane!

Feels good to be back! =)
